Friday, April 29, 2011

Of "the lady in black"--as they called me at the Faire

Having finally finished hemming the chiffon layer of my skirt (that stuff is so finicky to work with! And this is my first ever rolled hem), I should go on and post a few pictures from the Faire. 

Near the entrance to the fairgrounds, we fell into conversation with a group of young Elizabethan soldiers, and they insisted we take a picture with them. They also said "Our knees are for sitting (on)--"hence kneeling on their part and the sitting down of my sisters and me.

I especially loved watching the Middle Eastern dance performance that we saw.

This next dancer I absolutely loved. She was so mysterious and graceful.

Afterwards, they called us up onstage to learn a few steps. I learned that it's particularly difficult to swing your hips with a corset top on. 

Later we watched a performance of traditional English folk dances.

Thats all of my pictures from the Faire, but I kidnapped my little sister to take an outfit shot afterwards, partly so I could show you the black and red headwreath I bought from one of our favorite Faire vendors. (Even though it's blurry...)

I know a lot of people go to Ren Faires in goth (which I did) or lolita, which I'd like to do sometime (go in lolita, I mean). What about you? Have you attended a Faire in alternative or historically inspired garb?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Of being thought Versatile by a fellow blogger

Zounds,  70 followers? Here, let me give each of you a (virtual) black rose. Twirling and clapping of hands set aside, I must confess it doesn't seem to work for me to just decide to try and post more often. Lately I've been sidetracked by sewing and writing...and, I admit, by a minor epidemic of fangirling over Ben Barnes, best known as Prince Caspian from Disney's The Chronicles of Narnia.

Anyway, the marvelous OpiateVampire of The Dark Victorian, whom I very much admire, has given me one of those Versatile Blogger things that's been going around lately. I know I promised you some Ren Faire pictures, and I'll get those up as soon as I can. But for now, with many thanks and without further ado, let's attend to this award.

7 Random facts... Let me pause to muse a moment. Here we go, then...

1. I started creating languages (for the world of my stories) at age 13. It's a part of worldbuilding that I really want to start doing again more than I do these days.

2. The first time I cosplayed, I crossdressed (I was cosplaying Zuko from Avatar: the Last Airbender). I love crossplaying! (Cosplay + crossdress)

3. Weather-wise, I'm happiest on an overcast day, or at twilight just after the gold of the sunset fades to silver blue.

4. As evidenced by #3, I find it much easier to be poetic and prettyful than down to earth and humorous. Ah well...

5. One of my cats will steal canteloupe off the table, if you let him.

6. I love to meet new people that share my interests, but I'm very shy when it comes to going up and talking to them.

7. As to building a loli wardrobe, I have forsaken prudence in favor of opulence--what I mean is, you know how we're advised to get a lot of skirts and tops because they're more versatile? I absolutely love dresses, so for me it's actually wiser to just keep making dresses till I drop, at this point anyway. Tra la!

Sorry, the tra la came out of nowhere. My brain does that sometimes.

You know, I'm supposed to nominate fifteen bloggers, but many of the people I would have nominated already have been given this award... Well, I'll just list fifteen of my favorite gothic and / or lolita blogs (in no particular order).

1.OpiateVampire of The Dark Victorian

2.akumaxkami of Les Fleurs Noires

3.SkyBluePink of Goths Just Wanna Have Fun

4.VictorianKitty of Sophistique Noir

5.Victoria Suzanne of Lolita Charm

6.Megan of Makelovely's Blog

7.Sir Isaak of  Visual Aristokei Core

8.The Fool (aka Sammy, I think) of The Random Lolita

9.Kaitlyn of If Alice Were Into Platforms

10. Caroline of F Yeah Lolita

11. indigo_tide of Cheap Frills

12. Alice of Pink Milk Tea

13. Boots of Sincerely, Boots

14. Amy of The Ultimate Goth Guide

15. crimson of The Bloody Fashionista

There are many more blogs that I'm not very familiar with yet, but which I suspect will become great favorites in time.
Speaking of my fellow bloggers and most notably, my readers, what sorts of posts would you like to see on here? I've run into a blogging slump, you see, but I'd rather not go into quasi-hiatus mode when my blog seems to be thriving. Anyway, for any ideas you have, feel free to make a suggestion. I can't make promises on what I'll post, but your suggestions will be much appreciated!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Of oddments that delight me

Or, Things I Love Thursday, minus the Thursday bit. I'm a bit tired of feeling like I've run out of energy and ideas to blog, so I'm going to experiment with posting more often on potentially random-seeming (but still lolita/goth related) subjects, just so I can figure out how to broaden my posting options.

The above-mentioned Delightful Oddments~

~Finally getting started on my first lolita dress

~Working towards a readable second draft of my work in progress novel

~On that note, I've discovered that my protagonist gets to interact with the faerie folk / the magical world a lot sooner than I'd realized, because she's a seer (unknowingly) and goes to Faerie in her dreams.

~The cosplay picnic tomorrow, at which I get to meet other cosplay fans in my area for the first time

~Getting called "the lady in black" at the Ren Faire (we went today, and I'll post about it in more depth soon)

~Learning a bit about how to bellydance at the Faire, after an absolutely gorgeous performance by the dancers. (I've been wanting to learn some form of eastern / middle eastern dance for a while now, but now I'm convinced: I must learn to bellydance! And ballroom dance. And maybe flamenco...)

~The music of Kalafina, one of my favorite Japanese groups. Anime fans might recognize their song Lacrimosa, the second ending song for Kuroshitsuji. The music is poignant, beautiful, and makes you shiver.(Interestingly, this was also the themesong I chose for my NaNoWriMo novel, because I love it and the song fit so well.)
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